Saturday, November 16, 2019

What is Hepatitis, symptoms, and prevention.

The liver is an important part of the human body. It performs many critical functions n the body.
The inflammatory condition of the liver is Hepatitis. There are many causes of this disease but mainly viral infection. One of them is autoimmune hepatitis and the other is the result of medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol. There are five different types of hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. A different virus is a cause for each type of hepatitis. Symptoms might not occur in the beginning until the damage affects liver function. But symptoms of acute hepatitis appear quickly. these are :
  • fatigue
  • flue-like symptoms
  • dark urine
  • pale stool
  • abdominal pain
  • loss of appetite
  • wait loss
  • Yellow skin color.
Treatment of hepatitis depends on the type of it. Good hygiene is one of the ways to avoid this disease. Drinking water must be pure and clean to avoid hepatitis A and E.Hepaptitis B, C, and D can be avoided by not sharing drug needles, razors, toothbrushes. The use of vaccines is an important thing to prevent hepatitis. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Britannica Encyclopaedia compared to Encarta Encyclopaedia

Britannica Encyclopaedia compared to Encarta Encyclopaedia

Britannica Encyclopaedia has been a reliable and respected source of information compiled by experts. It preserved the ideological aspects of the Enlightenment.  There are printed versions of encyclopedias that are available in libraries and schools. The 2010 version of the 15th edition was the last printed version. It charges very high as Collier's standard set of encyclopedia costs $1,499. Encyclopedias that are +100 years old are good to collect if they are in better condition. Encyclopedias can still be found but they can mostly be defined as redundant since the internet is more modern and easier to use.
But on the other hand, Encarta Encyclopaedia is a digital multimedia published by Microsoft Corporation. It is originally sold on CD-ROM or DVD but later on available on the web via an annual subscription. Microsoft began charging for access to all content, though access to dictionary content remained free. Arguably Encarta did not have the deep information of Britannica. However, it is more convenient with a variety of features for research and activities for learning. It consists of photos, music clips, videos, maps, and illustrations. It is helpful for teachers, students and parents because parents can participate in their children studies
Nevertheless, the current approach of both Britannica and Encarta suggests more emphasis on a business benefits and less interest in learning needs and demands of users.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Housing affordibility in Australia

This bar graph shows a nominal median house prices in each of the capital cities in March 1980 and March 2016 in Australia.There is a  huge difference in housing affordibility in Australia between March 1980 and March 2016. The prices of the houses in form of rent and mortgage were low, stable and affordable in 1980 but in 2016 the prices rose dramatically. So the housing affordibility has been decreased with the passage of time.

Friday, October 18, 2019



After comparing and contrasting these two graphs about Australian immigration, the number of immigrants has rapidly decreased in 2002 excluding the countries Oceania and Africa( ex. north Africa). 

Immigration to Australia 1992&2002